Our school
The AvÐÔ°® School is a Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12 Anglican day and boarding school that provides an outstanding personalised age and stage education for boys. This is done through the provision of resources, programs and pastoral care systems tailored to the specific needs of boys; implemented, taught and supported by a staff passionate about boys’ education in a safe learning environment, and within a culture that promotes a core set of values and a global consciousness. The result is a journey which sees our boys grow into well-educated young men of character, prepared for the future.
What is important to AvÐÔ°®
What you do matters
- Just because it’s old, doesn’t mean it’s broken
- Manners are important
- Wear uniform with pride
- We accept you as you are no matter who you are
- Success means being a good person
- Tapping into your own spiritual needs is fundamental to your education
- The classroom is only a part of your learning
- Are here to help you
- You and your academic progress are important to everyone
- Teachers, parents and students communicate and respect each other
- Mutual listening forms strong relationships
- Your integrity is your most important asset
- Doing your best is the most important thing
- Giving things a go is expected
- Support each other and respect differences
- Empathy helps you understand others’ needs
- Honesty is prized
- You will be held accountable for your actions
In the classroom
- You are here to learn
- Be proactive, ask questions, work together
- Value the team approach
- Always strive to reach your academic potential
- You have the right to learn and let others learn without interference
- Technology is a tool; people are more important
- Homework is for your benefit
Outside the classroom
- Participation is important
- Being part of a team builds social skills
- Once a commitment is made, keep to it
- Trying different things helps you learn about yourself
- Losing and winning graciously are equally important
- Sport helps to keep you healthy
- Play and enjoy sport for the School
- Representing the School builds school spirit
- We respect umpires and the opposition
- Leadership is encouraged to provide you with opportunities
- Leadership is service
- Leadership is what you do when no one is looking
- Leadership opportunities are for your benefit
Your family and the School work best when they
- Support the School’s values
- Are active participants in your learning
- Accept that things sometimes do go wrong
- Are courteous in accepting and correcting errors
- Take seriously and reflect upon school judgements about you
School Board and Principal
- Are mutually supportive
- The Board sets policy and leaves management to the Principal and his team
- The Board communicates through the Principal
The wider community
- The community judges us by your behaviour
- The AvÐÔ°® community is wider than the current students
- School support groups are essential
- Honest relationships are vital for our wellbeing
- Serving the community helps you learn